
I am a student with skills in software engineering and currently studying cryptography and malware technology in University college London. My dream is to be a pure geek like Steven Jobs oneday.


Lab assistant

Oct 2019 - Dec 2019

Served as a Lab Assistant for the course "Software Engineering I".(gave guidance for sophomore on Lab assignment)

Software Engineering

Project Leader

February 2018 - June 2018

Lead team to design, programme, test and evaluate a third-times handshake protocol with python. This protocol utilize AES Algorithm to encrypt message(128bit) and decrypt cipher under CBC mode. SHA-256 is used to implement Digital Signature. With this protocol, a reliable transmission is established with a new generated transmission key which can reduce spatial and temporal overhead in transmission.

Cryptography Handshake Protocol

Selected Publications



Automated generator to produce slides based on featured materials:

Collect 100+ pictures and text materials related to food from the Internet, extract entity features as feature labels, and use JSON to combine entity feature information The materials under each food are divided into three categories: pictures, sentences and paragraphs. Fastjson is used to deserialize THE JSON data and DFS matching algorithm and Jacquard coefficient are used to retrieve the three kinds of deserialized materials respectively With the materials with the largest context correlation degree, the materials with similar correlation degree are stored in a set, and material objects are randomly selected as the following according to the subscript. Use the POI library provided by Apache to generate PPTX files, and use Maven to lighten dependencies

Natural language processing Java Feature Engineering Knowledge Graph

Utilize Storm to Predicate 2019 UK election:

Using Java in the local mode under the condition of continuous monitoring twitter data for 5 days, according to the keyword filter to get more than 10000 related twitter data. Bolt processes spout data streams, retaining verbs and nouns and counting support only if the positive verb appears in the same tweet as the associated party name (including abbreviation)

Big data analysis Java Storm

Interactive Vending-machine:

Swing and AWT are used to achieve interactive interface, including coin slot, digital keyboard, water temperature sensor, beverage production process. Includes coin count, change, paper cup counter, water temperature control. The user first puts in COINS to exchange electronic balance, and then selects the size of drinks and paper cups by using the digital keyboard. The condition determines whether the balance is sufficient or not, and then determines whether there are raw materials and paper cups of corresponding size. Use vector data structures to store COINS, raw materials, and paper cups to support thread synchronization and improve program reliability and consistency


AR Geographical Teaching App :

With ARcore as the platform, blender is used to produce AR models and animation effects, and an Android application software that can display a variety of geographical phenomena is realized

Java AR